The scientific way to alleviate global poverty

The scientific way to alleviate global poverty

'MahaManan' self-development education is the scientific way to allheviate global poverty

Lack of sufficient knowledge and consciousness is the root cause of poverty.

By giving all kinds of facilities, and necessary help, to a poor man with a little knowledge and a little consciousness, maybe his/ her temporary poverty relief, but for a long time he will not be able to escape poverty.

If a rich man who has a lot of wealth, either hereditarily or otherwise, has a shortage of knowledge and consciousness, soon he could lose all his wealth and become poor, unless he accepts the advice of a wise person. However, it is important to have some knowledge in order to perform the tasks of the wise person.

One needs to have sufficient knowledge and consciousness to constantly make money and resources and protect them.

It is not that when economic development or economic freedom is achieved, human development also will be happen.

As economic development progresses, human life can be temporarily comfortable, human wealth and human civilization can be improved, in conventional education, people can become highly educated, but it will not develop the human mind. And if the conscious mind does not develop enough, people will lose all their wealth and fall into poverty again.

Human development means I understand the development of the human mind. Development of consciousness or conscious mind.

If the human mind does not develop, no matter how glamorous it looks, human beings will remain in the darkness in which they was.

Religious obstacles in the way of the spontaneous development of the human mind, the blindness, blind faith, and superstition that comes from ignorance, by removing these, if we can educate people in true mind-developmental basic education, if we can train them in mind-developmental practical procedure, then only human development will continue to develop.

If human (mind) development does not happen, all other development will be like pearl-garland in the monkey's neck. And if human development happens, then other areas will continue to develop.

The only way to alleviate poverty is to launch the 'MahaManan'' self-development curriculum extensively in all the countries which is performed by me. And at the same time, poverty can be eradicated if we can establish 'ManavDharma' in all.

'MahaManan' is an excellent incompatible system of essential basic education for true and universal self-development. It should be said here that the practical side of 'MahaDharma' religion is 'MahaManan' education.

This system of education removes ignorance, superstition and blind-faith from the human beings, and makes people aware and conscious as well as educates them in the essential basic education of life.

The root cause of poverty is blindness, superstition and blind-faith resulting from poor knowledge and low consciousness with physical and mental illness.

Not only free from poverty, human rights will be effective only when most people have enough knowledge and consciousness.
In addition, the scarcity of knowledge and consciousness are responsible for most human-caused problems, sickness and most awkward incidents.

The prevailing religion, politics,  economics, administration, conventional education system, and any of the existing systems are not able to solve this problem.

To get rid of this extreme crisis,
Human-development-based religion~ 'MahaDharma' is the only way. This religion is not the same as conventional religion. This is a scientific method of true human development through an excellent and incompatible self-development education.

Our slogan is ~ 'मानवधर्म ही महाधर्म'

And, to make this epoch-making system reality, if most people come spontaneously, only then will real human development be possible with poverty alleviated.

An appeal to conscious people

We would like to make an acquaintance with an exceptional endeavor of human development and peace, through an excellent –incomparable system of essential education for true & universal self-development –world-wide.

‘MahaManan’ is an excellent – essential and fundamental education for true self-development and human development.
‘MahaManan Kendra’ is the education centre of that system of education. That is self-development or man making education centre.

We think, development of humankind or a nation is possible only through the development of individuals, also we think, customary or formal academic (school – college etc.) education is not sufficient for true development of human beings. For that, we need such an uncustomary (non-formal) basic human development education which can help us to be fully developed human beings.

It is known to every conscious person, the cause of most problems, poverty, – disturbances and crimes of human society –is the lack of true self-development education. Therefore the need of this education is undeniable.

At present, the demand of this essential education is found in conscious people. But there is no such institution for true self-development education in our country.

To make a better world –to make our life blessed –to fulfill oneself, to remove the inhuman activities and poverty from our society, we have an excellent – incomparable system of essential education for true & universal development.

The creator of this system of education is Maharshi MahaManas. We are desirous to establish the way of universal development of human beings –world-wide, and also we are desirous to establish a true and universal Human Development education center of international standard.

We need like-minded persons for our true Human Development program. If you are interested in this program, please extend your helping hands to make it possible.

To know more, please search: MahaManan, MahaDharma

Contact: WhatsApp: 9733999674

Please share this application as much as possible. Thank you.


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