MahaPathy: The super-excellent system of medicine for universal treatment

MahaPathy: The super-excellent system of medicine for universal treatment
(‘MahaPathy’ –this new system of medicine is mentioned briefly as ‘MPathy’)

~Sumeru Ray (Maharshi MahaManas)

The fundamental words: 

   Different types of disorders and/or deformities –sick conditions of different characteristic groups of cells of different parts of living body are expressed to us in form of different type of diseases or symptoms of diseases. 

   Here, ‘disorder’ is –the exception of the cell’s normal action (functional disorder) or indiscipline. And ‘deformity’ is –the change of normal structure of cell –change of constituent parts of body-cell.

   Poison is the cause of all these disorders –deformities. ‘Poison’ ward is used here for extensive types of meaning. Poison is that –which is capable of causing disorder –deformity in body cell. Here harmful Viruses and bacteria are also considered as poison or toxin. Different types of poisons in different amount, depending on the condition of living body, cause different disorders and /or deformities. Again, the same (in reduced amount) quantity of any poison, in case of all and in case of same creature, cannot cause same action of poisoning, all the time.

   In case of creating –the action of poisoning by any poison, depending on the condition of living body, at different times, and in case of different living body, the minimum intruding (entrance) quantity of poison is not same.

   But almost all things in great quantity –of this material and energy world, –are like poison to the creature. Action of poisoning may take place in the living body, by excessive use or intruding (entrance) of almost all energies – matters. Those which are not classified generally under poison list, –they also act like poison at different high quantity, in the living body.

   That, which is generally very delicious or nutritious food or without which, even a moment, cannot be lived, by the creature, –that same in excess amount, grows as deadly poison for the creature. Generally in small quantity, whatever acts like poison, we all think those, to be poison. Besides different form of harmful energies –elements or matters, besides plant oriented or chemical poisons, we are being much harmed or diseased by mental poison. Besides these, as a result of excessive hard work, torture, hurt, intemperance in eating, mental pollution etc, action of poisoning may take place in the body.

   Some of these disorders –deformities of cells are acquired by us (consciously or unconsciously), and some we inherit from heredity, –actually which was acquired by our ancestors. Habitually, as per capability of the body, it is always trying to make inactive, all these harmful poisonous substance. Along with that, there is arrangement, of replacement of destruction caused. Body’s preventive system –defense system against the poison, –if successful in this case –the body recovers (cured) and if fails, the body gets sick. 

   Within the body cells, different levels of excitement, irritation or inflammation takes place, when comes in contact with different quantity of different types of poisons. As per the capability of body’s preventive –defense system, it promptly gets ready, for its eradication. As a result of irregularity, torture, if excessive or abnormal loss or destruction takes place of the very necessary elements or matters of the body, then also sickness is seen. Moreover, the cause behind loss or destruction may be the sickness. If any constituent part of body is lost –generally the rest of the parts gets excess. Action of poisoning may be created, from this excess. Again, the vacuum and weakness created as a result of loss, from that, –excess of air is created in the body. Also excess of air creates the action of poisoning –unhealthiness. 

   Similarly, because of much sunlight– heat or taking food enriched with protein or calcium, in much quantity, more bile secretion takes place. Action of poisoning may take place in the body, from this excess of bile. Again, this excess of bile –behind this also, may be sickness. From action of poisoning loss and excess both take place. Also action of poisoning may be created from loss and excess.

   Moreover, such some things (matter, element or energy) are there, any special type of action of poisoning is not seen of those in material form or gross quantity. But in subtle form or in subtle ‘CISE’ or ‘CSE’ (discussing later on) –they act or cause action of poisoning.

   Some poisons are of strong active power, among these, many poisons lose their working capacity in short time, these are short acting poisons. And some poisons are long acting; –these act in slow speed, for long time. Some poisons cause the permanent deformity of body cells, of the creature, and act hereditarily generation after generation.

Every day, in the living body, birth– death of many cells continues. Immediately after the death of sick cells, if the body would have been free from its sickness, then no problem would have been there. Many sick cells –giving birth to many sick cells before their death, –then only they depart. As a result, sick cells maintain their sickly continuity –hereditarily, generation after generation. Dead cells after flowing with the blood –goes out from the body, through the urine, according to arrangement of the body-system.  Not only dead cells, in the defense system of living body, –disease preventive and remedial Bio-chemicals, which have been defeated after fighting against poison or won, have been able in the remedy of sickness, of the body cells or unable, that deformed bio-chemicals also along with the urine of the creatures, go out from the living body in accordance with the body-system.

   Besides this, through the urine– is passed out some parts of the destructive poison –which the body system is able to throw out from the body. And some more parts –which the body system is able to make inactive and deformed. Also some parts of sick cells are there, there are cell stool and surplus and excreted (given out) cell food Etc.

   Now, if we are able to, anyhow make inactive –reduce, the different intruding poisons in the body, if we are able to make return the deformed cells to the normal condition, if we are able to make the body defense-system active– powerful –refreshed, we will be able to be disease free –able to get soundness of body. 

If in any way…

In any way, if contrary existence or matter of bodily poison and of sick cells of the body is prepared– and made to enter the body, then bodily poison and sick cells or sick part of the cells will disappear or destroy. Then with new enthusiasm, the disease free body, refilling its shortage –due to wear and tear, will be able to get real and universal well-being through reformation. Being free from sickness expressing (disease) symptoms, mental symptoms– conduct-behaviors etc, everyone will be able to be well –strong bodied and minded human being.

The abstract of MahaPathic treatment procedure: 

   To cause to disappear –to destroy the disease-poison / toxin or the diseased bio-cells by just its contrary existence –is the fundamental thing of this system of treatment. At present, the treatment is done by the contrary existence of patient’s disease-poison / toxin or sick-cells or urine, –collecting that material from patient’s body, –the contrary existence is made by a secret procedure. 

S-Existence and its Contrary Existence: Read the article here:!SExistence-and-its-Contrary-Existence/c1mbt/2  

About the treatment of MahaPathy

  In this treatment, the selection of medicine is not of so problem, the main material of preparing the medicine is collected from the patient. Separate medicine for every patient –which is prepared only for that specified patient and applied only for that patient.

   In case of difficult and chronic disease, where almost whole body and mind is attacked by poison of disease, usually in that case, medicine is prepared from patient’s urine. The case in which poison of disease is confined within any organ or area, in that case, medicine is also prepared from sick cells of that area. Besides, in this treatment –medicines are also prepared from different type of abnormal discharges which are expressing sickness and in which may be the poison of diseases.

   In case of chronic disease, when symptoms of disease are generally severe or acute, then only, it is proper time to collect urine or other abnormal discharge or secretion –for preparation of medicine. In maximum cases, in acute stage (of chronic disease) than latent stage, –the poison of disease is present more in patient’s urine. But in very acute or serious stage, any abnormal discharge or urine should not be collected.

  This treatment is simple –uncomplicated– but, medicine is prepared of high or higher influence –for a patient. So this treatment is expensive.

   In this treatment, the role of the patient is also very important. Proper result receiving– depends on patient’s proper following of the rules. 
   Except urine, discharge which is informing about sickness, as for instance– profuse saliva, pus, leucorrhea, mucus etc. also used for preparing the medicine.

   In case of preparation of medicine from urine, another important thing is– in the first part of urine of the morning or dawn, in many cases, there is present prostate exudation or mucus and /or gonorrheal discharge, in which one or more of main disease-poisons or toxins are present.

One of the main causes of malnutrition is inability of our anabolic system and lack of digestibility. By use of ‘MahaPathy’ (–the new system of medicine), digestibility and anabolic ability come to the sound and normal state.  In this way, MahaPathy is able to help us to make free from malnutrition and is able to make successful our ‘Nutrients for All’ program.

   In case of nutrition, MahaPathic system of medicine takes an excellent part. MahaPathic medicine has an important role in covering the deficiency or losses of the materials (ingredients) of our body-cells. It incites the essential and nutritious materials of the body-cells which are draining away for any reason. As a result of that, the system of the body takes the initiative to recovery the losses gradually. Also MahaPathy medicine increases essential immunity of our body.

   One thing we have to keep in our mind, always same poison or toxin does not produce the same symptoms in our body and mind.  There may be produced various symptoms in our body according to our constitutions (The peculiar nature that which is formed on the base of our hereditarily obtained – make & materials, composition, distortion, ailments, toxins etc. and acquired defect & effects, diseases & toxins.) and the quantity of toxins

   There may be produced different symptoms in different bodies except some similar symptoms, because of the presence of different sorts of toxins in different quantities. Everyday various sorts of poison or toxins are entering into our bodies in different quantities and making its inside and outside deformed and diseased gradually.  Like a cross-bread people of various natures and appearances, our diseases also have become various sorts of natures.

   One thing more, all systems of medicines are not fruitful for all diseases or problems. In some fields Herbal medicines are very effective, whereas in some other cases only allophonic medicines are capable to cure. Therefore if you are fond of any one system of medicine, then there is a chance to become unsuccessful in all cases. Whither the medicines are unable to react, there healing meditation, Yoga and different kind of psycho-spiritual or psychological healing methods can be useful. The best is –getting advice from a vast knowledgeable experienced person, to select first the system of treatment, that which would be right for the current or chronic problem.

   An attractive thing is, medicine form– contrary impression of ‘Super-Existence’ (CISE) –after entering in our body and after being changed into ‘Super-Existence’ in the body, –if there is already present anything of opposite property, as there is performed the action of recovery in the way of ‘MahaPathy’, on the other side, –if there is already present anything harmful of similar property of the medicine (CISE), in our body, also in that case, the action of recovery is performed.

But, if there is present any bodiless ‘Super-Existence’ of similar property instead of anything (matter or element) of similar property, in that case, because of much amount of ‘Super-Existence’, there may be exposed the action of poisoning.

MahaPathic medicine and procedure of taking

   In this treatment procedure patient’s medicine is only one, –here it is no need to select and change a medicine. Only strength or subtlety of medicine needs to be changed. Still the procedure of preparing the medicine is kept secret.

   In this treatment procedure, in very minute dose (amount) medicine is taken –in gradually increasing strength or subtlety. Gradually increasing the strength of medicine (or gradually making the medicine more subtle) by the doctor or manufacturer, –the responsibility is entrusted on the patient.

   In this treatment procedure –liquid medicine is given in a glass-phial to the patient.   Everyday in the morning, patent have to take ten drop of medicine from this phial of liquid medicine.

   Nothing can be taken or drunk one hour before and after –taking the medicine. It is good to take medicine in empty stomach. Before taking medicine, the mouth –tongue teeth has to be brushed and washed with water only. In necessity, water can be drunk before taking medicine.

   In the morning, to brush the teeth with toothpaste or toothpowder –is a general habit of many, but in this treatment, it is prohibited to use any type of peppermint, menthol, camphor food –drink and toothpaste or toothpowder. Besides this, neem (Azadirachta indica) or other twig (used as toothbrush) and tobacco –cannot be used.

   Gradually if feeling relieved, as the patient proceeds towards cure– according to that, the medicine has to be taken at the interval of two days, later– at the interval of three days –gradually at one week interval.   If the symptoms of disease increase (aggravate) after taking medicine, if a little or a little more increase, then as mentioned before medicine has to be taken at the interval of two to seven days, depending on intensity of aggravation. But if increases too much, the taking of medicine has to be stopped, while the aggravation of symptoms are present. After aggravation, if relief is seen, then also medicine has to be stopped. In some cases, suppressed disease or disease-symptoms can be reappeared. Also in these cases, medicine has to be stopped, while the symptoms are present.

   If skin disease or eruption is seen, after taking of medicine, -no ointment should be used on that. If rheumatic pain increases– effort has to be made, to tolerate that. If it is intolerable, temporarily one or two allopathic pain killer tablets can be taken. But no steroid is allowed.

   In some cases, after judging the patient’s condition– on amelioration or aggravation of symptoms, taking of medicine is stopped. As long as the amelioration or symptoms of aggravation is present or will continue, till that time, the taking of medicine will be stopped.

   Here a thing is worth mentioning, dropper, hand or any other object cannot be inserted into the medicine phial.

   The lid of the phial has to be replaced immediately after the medicine is taken. The medicine phial has to be kept away from the direct heat or sun.

  It is necessary to tell something, regarding the collection of main material of medicine. Besides, in this process– to be mentioned of some rules to be followed, for the collection of main material from patient’s body, for the preparation of medicine.

   The patient cannot take any medicine, customary empiric medicine, exciting food– drinks, addiction things –any drug or liquor, from fifteen days before, collection of patient’s urine, for the preparation of medicine. From three days before, to, collection of urine, the patient has to take, only vegetable, boiled rice, handmade bread, milk (pure). It is prohibited to take salt or salty, sweet and bitter things, hot (chilly), sour, exciting food –drink, any drug or tobacco. Too much hard work, irregularity, over strain, awaking night etc cannot be done. The morning on which patient’s urine will be collected, the previous night; patent must has to be without food.

   On the specified date of urine taking– an ounce of urine has to be taken from the first urine of the morning, to be collected in the sterilized –purified bottle, supplied by the MahaPathy treatment center.
   During the treatment period, the patient needs to follow some rules. It is prohibited, – taking any exciting food –drinks, any drug or addiction things, coffee, camphor peppermint mixed food or drinks, bitter and astringent food or drinks etc are prohibited.

   Females need to stop taking medicine during monthly menstruation. 

For brushing the teeth– toothpaste or toothpowder should not be used. Instead of that, one kind of white powder, supplied by the treatment center, can be used or only water- brush can be done.
   During the period of treatment unsystematic lifestyle should not be followed. Patient should be free from impure –infectious intercourse.

   After feeling the action (aggravation or amelioration) of medicine– it is duty to inform the doctor. Besides this, as per necessary, patient should contact doctor at interval of every fifteen days or one month. If there is much aggravation of the disease, then it should be understood that there has been some irregularity in taking of medicine, or the period of suffering from disease, is going to finish. That means cure or free from disease is approaching. Besides this, suppressed disease– especially rheumatic pain, skin disease etc may expose at many times. In that case, medicine taking should be stopped –contact should be made with the doctor and suggestion should be taken. The direction of getting cured from the disease is generally from inner to outer and top to bottom gradually.

   If sufficient recovery or cure has been felt, the taking of medicine has to be stopped, as per the suggestion of the doctor. When medicine taking is stopped, closing the lid of the medicine phial –tightly, it is necessary to preserve that, by the help of the doctor, so that if needed in future, that can be used again, as per the suggestion of doctor.

   In many cases, it may be necessary to use more high powerful medicine, twice or thrice. In that case, to make more high power medicine from this medicine, patient has to apply to the medicine manufacturer through the treatment centre. In future, if any disease seen, then if it is not cured by this medicine, in that case, again new medicine may be needed to prepare. 

   Along with taking this medicine– effort and arrangement to be made to be always happy –cheerful, and along with that, by practice of ‘MahaYoga’ procedures (‘Maha-Sabasana’, ‘Maha-Yoga-Sleep’ etc) –attainment of universal soundness is possible.

   After taking the (high strength / influential) medicine (– given to the patient), if any action is not felt within one month, then it should be understood– more high strength or subtle medicine is necessary for that patent. In that case, more subtle or high influential medicine has to be prepared, as per the suggestion of the doctor.

   Besides that, if the prevention and defense system is very weak or very excited and if the power of reaction of the body is lost– for serious sickness and/or taking many types of medicines, besides that in case of abnormal constitution, many times , after taking of medicine –patient may not feel any effect (action or reaction) of the medicine.

   By this procedure of treatment, almost every disease can be treated, but its medicine preparation is time consuming and expensive, usually it is noticed to be used, for the treatment of serious and chronic diseases.

   When any customary (current) procedure of treatment does not help to cure the disease, then the MahaPathy’s astonishing efficacious excellence– greatness is felt. And for that reason– this is – MahaPathy.

Why the subtlety of medicine is increased gradually

If in the body, any poison is present in large or much amount, by this medicine (CISE), that poison cannot be made completely removed or make to disappear. Because, to remove that poison, the defense system of the body– much amount of ‘CSE’ of that poison has to be prepared from this medicine, which is beyond the capacity of the body.

   When any poison enters the body in great amount– then the defence system of the body gets into disorder. Then the body cannot do the defence and remedial work systematically. Beside this, in form of medicine, that poison’s CISE (from which –body prepares ‘CSE’) we get (in procedure of MahaPathic subtilization) less– more, in different subtle form. This subtle bodied ‘CSE’ is easily capable to remove or disappeared its similar formed subtle bodied contrary matter (poison), which is present in the body, at the (in more or less) old or chronic stage of the disease.

   If anyone, after taking in great amount poison –takes the medicine (CISE) prepared from that poison, in that case, all the bodily poison cannot be removed by that medicine. By MahaPathic procedure, we cannot make contrary matter or any material contrary existence. If it is possible (in future) to prepare that, by any other procedure, then this problem –may not be there, then we will be able to remove or disappeared the great amount material poison, in the body.

   Definitely in the case of old or chronic disease, also in case of new disease– the poison of the disease, is present in our body, in (–different level or degree) subtle bodied form. Generally, when the symptoms of disease are seen on body – mind, a little or long before that, the cells of the body have been started to be attacked. Till the cells are not attacked in some more amounts, we cannot feel any specific problem. Even if we feel a little, we do not care so much.

   Between any poison and body cell, during action –reaction taking place –along with the passage of time, the bodily poison, gradually attains subtlety. Through this action –reaction, in the poison and body cells– in both, more or less, changes take place.

   It may not be that, the poison of the whole body, having equal subtlety. According to obtained (inner) environment –situation –happening, each poison particle may have separate states.

   Any subtle bodied (the form of CISE) medicine –of any specific degree or potency –is able to remove or disappear the poison –properly, which is similar subtle –contrary-existence of that medicine. Also it is able to remove partly or sometimes wholly its nearest subtle bodied poison. But if there is great difference in the level or degree of subtlety, many times, both are unable to remove each other. For this reason, to remove or disappeared –the different formed subtle bodied poison; it is to take help of the similar subtle or gradual more subtle medicine-form ‘CISE’ –contrary impression of ‘Super-Existence’ of that poison. 

   In case of matter, the limit of subtleness is not extended to very far. But the limit of subtlety of ‘CISE’ is extended to a long distance. Though, all things have the end. The limit of subtlety of material poisons are not extended to a very long distance. However old, it is in the body.

Definitely in the case of old or chronic disease, also in case of new disease– the poison of the disease, is present in our body, in (–different level or degree) subtle bodied form. Generally, when the symptoms of disease are seen on body – mind, a little or long before that, the cells of the body have been started to be attacked. Till the cells are not attacked in some more amounts, we cannot feel any specific problem. Even if we feel a little, we do not care so much.

   Between any poison and body cell, during action –reaction taking place –along with the passage of time, the bodily poison, gradually attains subtlety. Through this action –reaction, in the poison and body cells– in both, more or less, changes take place.

   It may not be that, the poison of the whole body, having equal subtlety. According to obtained (inner) environment –situation –happening, each poison particle may have separate states.

   Any subtle bodied (the form of CISE) medicine –of any specific degree or potency –is able to remove or disappear the poison –properly, which is similar subtle –contrary-existence of that medicine. Also it is able to remove partly or sometimes wholly its nearest subtle bodied poison. But if there is great difference in the level or degree of subtlety, many times, both are unable to remove each other. For this reason, to remove or disappeared –the different formed subtle bodied poison; it is to take help of the similar subtle or gradual more subtle medicine-form ‘CISE’ –contrary impression of ‘Super-Existence’ of that poison. 

   In case of matter, the limit of subtleness is not extended to very far. But the limit of subtlety of ‘CISE’ is extended to a long distance. Though, all things have the end. The limit of subtlety of material poisons are not extended to a very long distance. However old, it is in the body.

   But, when a poison gets lost its individual form, bringing about deformity of body cells–, and after that, when that deformed cells do abnormal behavior like action of poisoning, continuously for a long time, as a result of that, one time, the nature– character etc of those sick cells– is included as a code –in the gene of the body. Then truly, that poison-existence is obtained a too subtle state.

   In this case, not from the poison, –using the medicine (CISE) of extremely subtle form , prepared from that deformed sick cells, –it become possible to be free from serious disease in many respects or some time in all respects.

Why minute dose of the medicine is used

   As the total amount of medicine-particle has the grossness and minuteness, similarly, every particle of the medicine has the bodily corpulence and subtlety. From this bodily corpulence to gradual subtlety, different stages are expressed in different gradually higher strength or subtle form. And, in amount, from grossness to different stages of gradual minuteness –these are gradually expressed in the form of gradual minute amount (dose).

    If more quantity or amount of medicine (CISE) enters into the body, usually the body as per its capability – accepts very little part, and does the processing. But at various times, based on different physical conditions, different incidents may take place. Sometimes the body may refuse to accept in any part, and to do the processing of much quantity of medicine (as CISE). Again, sometimes may be, accepting and processing in much quantity– may call for its own danger.

   If the amount of ‘CSE’ is created more, than amount of poison, present in the body, –disturbance –indiscipline –harm may take place– inside the body. Extra ‘CSE’ or contrary Super-Existence can lead to the causing of action of poisoning by oneself. 

   In the body, in minute amount– if increasing subtle medicine (CISE) enters, there is not to be afraid of so much of harm.  And for any reason if harm is seen, stopping the medicine– easily that can be controlled.


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