A groundbreaking initiative to establish real human development and peace through an excellent education system of mind-development. Hello, This is to introduce you to an excellent and incomparable system of education for true human development and peace! We can see, if we look around carefully with a little watchful eye, the whole human race is going through a terrible crisis and severe illness. And as the days go by, the intensity of this misery and suffering is increasing. To this day, no one has been able to stop the inhumane acts of injustice, corruption, oppression, rape, deception, violence, hatred, cruelty, destructive activities, etc. that are perpetrated by people all over the world. Religion, monarchy or politics, administration or any powerful system or organization has not yet been able to solve this difficult problem of mankind. The root cause of most man-made problems is the lack of consciousness and knowledge. The blind-faith, blind devotion, superstition...