Cold and darkness also exist!

Cold and darkness also exist! It is widely accepted among scientists that cold and darkness do not exist in reality. But I don't think so. The condition that arises due to the absence or lack of something also exists as a condition of deficiency. That is existent which is present or exists in the world. Cold and darkness also exist in the world. In whatever form they appear, however much current science may deny them, they exist. 'Truth' is that which exists. But lies also exist as lies. In fact, a lie is true as a lie. So lies also exist. Just as cold and dark exist as cold and dark. Just as many things can be done with the help of light, so also with the help of darkness some things can be done which are not possible with light. Some things happen in the dark, which do not happen in the light. Darkness can affect our body and mind, causing changes in body and mind activity. Organisms and plants require regular periods of darkness for their health and growth. Otherwise ...